Free Jack Rippher Returns sex movie

Jack Rippher makes his long-awaited return to See HIM Fuck today and we paired HIM and his monster 11-inch black cock up with fan favorite Blake Blossom for what turned out to be one helluva scene. Instead of the usual male striptease, this time we had Blake lend HIM a hand, as she slowly undresses HIM all the way down to his See HIM underwear, where we get to take another look at what Jack calls 1 Shy Of 12 ;-) Blake gives his armpits the old Sniff N Lick before getting HIM all slicked up with some sex lube. Jack takes a seat as Blake then removes his socks so she can lick his feet from heel to toe. Up next is Round 1 of ass eating, as Jack bends over so Blake can get right in there and play the Rusty Trombone for us.

Duration:15 min
Tags: big sex rusty trombone
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